06 January 2010

back in the swing

So after mmft's passing and then the holidays, I let myself enjoy food for a while. But now it's time to buckle back down. Luke's new job is starting a Biggest Loser competition, so it'll be good to have him in the game as well. That makes such a huge difference! I'm going to focus on losing 10 pounds by my birthday - May 18.

Speaking of stubborn Tauruses, my freaking Yahoo horoscope messes with my head. We were so very close to booking a vacation when my horoscope said to save my money because something big was about to happen. Usually I don't take it very seriously but for some reason this time I did. And guess what - the next day Luke lost his job. Totally freaked me out. Now I have to check my horoscope before deciding where to go for dinner, who to talk to that day, and if I should even get out of bed. Ok not really, but you get the picture. It's amazing how quickly something your obsessed about doing (like taking a vacay) is suddenly not important at all when the bottom drops out of your funds. The good news is that I didn't book the vacation and Luke did find a new job - one that will hopefully be even better.

All in all, 2010 is off to a good start. I just wish it would warm up a little.

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