07 January 2011

home remedies

i've had a killer sore throat for almost a week now, and since i can't take much medicine i decided to try a few home remedies.

first i sipped an apple cider vinegar/honey/lemon/warm water mix. it felt good going down and tasted surprisingly good, but not much of a lasting effect.

next i tried gargling cayenne pepper and warm water. holy moses! it wasn't super terrible, but not pleasant either. and i noticed no difference afterwards, other than a burning sensation in my mouth.

everyone kept telling me to do the salt water gargle, and i hadn't tried it yet because i had memories of it from when i was younger and never thought it worked. but it was worth another shot. it was definitely better than the cayenne pepper, and has made my throat a little more tolerable, but i was disappointed at 3am this morning when i woke up and couldn't swallow without extreme pain.

during the day i am doing better but night is what gets me. i don't think going to the doctor will do much good since i can't take anything, so back i go to my google research...


  1. So I have a couple recommendations for you.
    - Liquid silver, or "Colloidal silver"
    - Hemp + CMPD throat ease

    There's actually a ton of herbal throat sprays out there. Try going into mother nature's and asking them what they have. Some of these aren't cheap (like $10 +, depending on the store. Better if you can find them online), and with all natural remedies it takes a couple days. BUT, they work! I've used both in pregnancy/breast feeding.
    I did check with a naturopath before taking them, but I feel like I should put a disclaimer on my recommendation, too. I don't know how your OB feels about herbals.

    Hope that helps! I had HORRID stomach flu and 2 colds while prego this fall. No fun, no fun at all.

  2. Thanks for the suggestions! I've got it down to just a cough now. Feeling better every day and trying the "mind over matter" route now.
