16 November 2009

get mad at it

From July 2007-July 2008 I lost about 30 pounds. Yay me! Since then however I have stalled out.

I'm great at maintaining weight. I've got that part down. I work out regularly, eat pretty decently, but indulge in a treat almost whenever I feel like it. Maintaining is fun and fairly easy. As long as I work out I can pretty much eat what I want - within reason - and stay around 170.

But the time has come to get mad at those last 20 pounds. If I can shoot for 1.5-2 pounds a week, I should be able to manage 10 pounds by the end of the year.

Here is my game plan:

Over the past couple weeks I have tried to eliminate or greatly reduce cheese (gasp!) from my diet. It's one of my favorite things and I sure eat a lot of it, so it's kinda a big deal. During the first week of swearing it off I even had a cheese dream. That's right, a whole dream dedicated to eating cheese. I've had one relapse while watching Top Chef and drinking a lovely glass (or two) of Pinot. But other than that, I've got this cheese thing nipped in the bud.

I'm kicking my workout up a notch. Running a little longer than usual. Running a little more often than usual. I need to lift more and hopefully start a class or two to mix things up.

I think this week I will drink more water and swear off.. chocolate! Let the choco-dreams commence!


  1. Good luck, lady. You can do it!
    Have you ever been to www4.weightmirror.com/weightmirror/index.php?id=
    You can upload a pic of yourself and see what you look like + or - lbs.
    I'm going to print one out of me - 30 pounds and tack it on my fridge!
    : )

  2. never heard of it, but just checked it out! whatever it takes to motivate you I say do it!
